Saturday, September 1, 2007

Grocery Store Trip
Ok, so I have now seen it all! Today Dad and I went to the grocery store and Dad made a comment as we were approaching the store that it sounded as though someone was singing। I quickly said, "No, that just must be the music from the radio playing louder than normal"। Well, I was wrong. Yes, there she was in the front of the GROCERY STORE, just singing away as if we walked into a concert. I just started to laugh. I never would have guessed I would see someone singing with her electric keyboard and her vase for collections. The first thing I thought of was Mia will never believe this! You know how amazed she is with all the frills of America, she will definately get a kick out of this one. And, of course it's in First Colony. So, I had to video it just so you would see it for yourself as well. The next time you make a visit to your grocery store just think how boring it must be without someone singing!


Christy and Brian said...

That is too funny. It wouldn't let me watch the video.

josh and jacqs said...

ya me either